Karmalu Productions |
from the Peace CD
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© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
a war still raging, they say we fight to keep
the peace
All we want is
peace, and we all want peace
Yet they are
still resisting, and they fight to keep their
All they want
is peace, don’t we all want peace
are people praying, they say that God is on our side
All we want is
peace, and we all want peace
Others too are
praying, they say “Allah’s on our side”
All they want is
peace, don’t we all want peace
and sisters lend a hand, help create the promised
Never too late to
take a stand, help our leaders understand
That all we want
is peace, and we all want peace
All they want is
peace, don’t we all want peace
There are mothers
crying, for their wounded and their dead
All we want is
peace, and we all want peace
And the toll
keeps rising, hasn’t there been enough blood
All they want is peace, and don’t we all want
and sisters lend a hand, help create the promised
Never too late to
take a stand, help our leaders understand
That all we want
is peace, and we all want peace
All they want is
peace, don’t we all want peace
all want to live, we all want to survive
We all want our
freedom, no one wants to die
We all want to
win, no one wants to lose
We can change the
outcome, if we choose
try to fit each piece of the puzzle, give each their
piece of the pie
Share the wealth,
share the land, the lion and the lamb will lie
Together in peace,
and we all want peace
All they want is
peace, don’t we all want peace
All we want is peace, and we all want peace
All they want is peace, don’t we all want peace
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© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
You are my true friends, you surround me with your
You are my true friends, I am part of the love that
each and every one of you, sustaining a powerful
shield to enemy arrows
You are my true friends, I entrust you with my dreams
You are my true friends, you can trust me to carry
your dreams
as if each were my own, maintaining a fertile field to
keep the dreams growing
You are my true friends, I have cried within your arms
You are my true friends, I have cried with you when
you were hurting too
You are my true, true friends You
are my true, true friends
You are my true friends, you encircle me with strength
You are my true friends, I am part of the power that
circles and strengthens you
making a safer world, to make our way through
You are my true friends, I have cried within your arms
You are my true friends, I have cried with you when
you were hurting too
You are my true, true friends You
are my true, true friends
You are my true friends, you
surround me with your love
You are my true friends, I entrust you with my dreams
You are my true friends, you encircle me with
You are my true friends, I have cried with you when
you were hurting too
You are my true, true friends You
are my true, true friends
You are my true, true friends
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Peace Sake
© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
We need a new way of living,
for peace sake, people
We need a new way of living in this world
We need a new way of living, for peace sake, people
We need a new way of living in this world
From the comfort of our cozy homes we watch it on TV
A brand new reality show from the land of the free
There are those of us who wonder: haven’t we been here
Why haven’t we begun to find a better way than war
We need a new way of living, for peace sake, people
We need a new way of living in this world
We need a new way of living, for peace sake, people
We need a new way of living in this world
Beneath the bombs they hide in terror while we grimly
shake our heads
The casualties of war are not so casual to the dead
And while we’re feeling all is hopeless, still, it may
not be too late
But nothing new can grow if we just sit at home and
We need a new way of living,
for peace sake, people
We need a new way of living in this world
We need a new way of living, for peace sake, people
We need a new way of living in this world
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Long Night
© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
I don’t know when, when was the last time I felt
safe in this world
I don’t know when a little girl could go outside
Ride her bike, and not fear for her life
I don’t know when, when was the last time I could smile
at a stranger
I don’t know when it wasn’t dangerous to make a friend
Don’t know when, when will it end
It’s gonna be a long, long night before we see the
morning light
I’d like to tell you it’ll be alright but I don’t know
It’s gonna be a long, long night before we see the
morning light
I’d like to tell you it’ll be alright, but I don’t know
I don’t know when, when will we find an end to all of
the hatred
I don’t’ know when we’ll hold sacred each living thing
And live in peace and harmony
It’s gonna be a long, long night before we see the
morning light
I’d like to tell you it’ll be alright but I don’t know
It’s gonna be a long, long night before we see the
morning light
I’d like to tell you it’ll be alright, but I don’t know
Take comfort where you can, be strong when you can’t
find it
Have courage if you can, or cry if you don’t mind it
It’s gonna be a long, long night before we see the
morning light
I’d like to tell you it’ll be alright but I don’t know
It’s gonna be a long, long night before we see the
morning light
I’d like to tell you it’ll be alright, but I don’t know
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© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
I hear the sounds of the neighborhood coming home
All hours of the night
I see the shadows that turn into familiar shapes
When I turn on the light
I can't sleep at night, thinking about all these things
I'm not eating right, thinking about all these things
I can't sleep, can't sleep, I can't sleep at night
I hear the pound of my heart beating in my ear
Held on the edge of sleep
I see the shadows that are beckoning me to fall
Into a slumber deep
I can't sleep at night, thinking about all these things
I'm not eating right, thinking about all these things
I can't sleep, can't sleep, I can't sleep at night
It's important enough, It's our future at stake
It's important enough
To be keeping me, keeping me, keeping me wide awake
I can't sleep at night, woh...
I'm not eating right, woh...
I hear the sounds of the neighborhood waking up
They've had a restful night
I see the shadows, willow tree on my window shade
Crisp in the morning light
I can't sleep at night, thinking about all these things
I'm not eating right, thinking about all these things
I can't sleep, can't sleep, I can't sleep at night
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© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
Breathe deep into theta state
Dream, draw visions from the day
Sleep, slide into shadow grey
Sleep, dream, breathe
Dive down to your deepening
Fly, float on a gentle wing
Sigh, setting your soul to sing
Sigh, fly, dive
Slowly slowing down, Flowing, knowing “now”
Time pulled taffy thin, Find your secret way within
Breathe deep into theta state
Dream, draw visions from the day
Sleep, slide into shadow grey
Sleep, dream, breathe, sleep, dream, breathe, sleep,
dream, breathe
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© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
Should I fly below the radar,
till there’s no more need to hide
Should I try to reach my neighbor, draw him to the
other side
Can I shout it in the street, and not betray my
Can I numb myself to sleep and not betray the world
Is there someway we can meet
In the core of the conflict, in the calm eye of the
In the gateway in between
Oh, on the common ground – isn’t there a common ground
Will we study how we differ till our tally gives us
Will we claim our way is better, our religions and our
Can I watch you through the glass and not see my own
Can I take your hand at last and not see beyond my
Is there someway we can meet
In the core of the conflict, in the calm eye of the
In the gateway in between
Oh, on the common ground – isn’t there a common ground
Not wrong or right, not red or blue
Not all alike, but every color, every hue
If I could see the world through your eyes, what a
different view
From the common ground, let’s meet up on the common
Could we make a better future if we talk instead of
Would we see the fuller picture is not so black and
Can I tell you what I think and not fear retaliation
Can I listen to you speak, and not fear for the
Is there someway we can meet
In the core of the conflict, in the calm eye of the
In the gateway in between
Oh, on the common ground – isn’t there a common ground
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Half a World Away (9/11)
© 2005 Verlene
All Rights Reserved
Across the sea, it has happened
A half a world away from me
I hear the news and read the headlines
A half a world away
And all around, people crying
“Wie Grausam, Entsetzlich!”
As they hear the news and read the headlines, a half a
world away
A half a world away
Sorrow stretches its sticky fingers
To touch a world across the sea
And I feel it here as I would if I were home, a half a
world away
A half a world away
Sorrow stretches its sticky fingers
& Europe grieves as I am grieving
A half a world away
A half a world away
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A Powerful Thing
© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
Fear is a powerful thing, fear
can paralyze
Fear can separate and isolate and shrink us with its
Fear is a powerful thing, fear is the enemy
Fear can motivate a world of hate and drive all hope
And fear is intangible, but it’s real
And fear is tyrannical; it can steal away your freedom
Fear is a powerful thing, fear can paralyze
Fear can separate and isolate and shrink us with its
Fear is a powerful thing, fear is the enemy
Fear can motivate a world of hate and drive all hope
No you can’t hide from fear, you can only turn around
and face it
And you can’t fight your fear until you learn how to
embrace it
Cause fear is a powerful thing, fear is the enemy
And love is the only thing that can bring it to its
Fear is a powerful thing but love is the greater thing
Yeah love is the greater thing, let love have the
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Me Thin
© 2005 Verlene
All Rights Reserved
I can’t keep my head from
spinning, I can’t keep a focus in my mind
Can’t even remember why I’m running, and what I’m
expecting to find
How many years has it been, chasing after someone
else’s deadline
They keep stretching me, stretching me thin
So thin that I might break if I don’t take some time
Give me just a day to do nothing
Give me just a respite from the race
This is no way to be living
Always on the run – I can’t keep this pace
There’s another call to reply to, here’s another
letter I should write
I’m forever falling behind too driven not to catch up
late at night
How many years has it been, chasing after someone
else’s rainbow
They keep stretching me, stretching me thin
So thin that I might crack if I don’t pack and go
Give me just a day to do nothing
Give me just a respite from the race
This is no way to be living
Always on the run – I can’t keep this pace
How many years has it been, chasing after someone
else’s pipe dream
They keep stretching me, stretching me thin
So thin that I might snap -- with one more slap I’ll
Give me just a day to do
Give me just a respite from the race
This is no way to be living
Always on the run – I can’t keep this pace
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© 2005 Verlene
All Rights Reserved
Fine lines, divide, define,
secret signs to guide you
Release the mystery, you hold the key inside you
Sometimes the card’s in your favor
And sometimes you’re drawing sand
And sometimes it’s hard not to waver
When you’re holding it in your hand, you’re holding it
in your hand
And sometimes the wind’s moving with you
And sometimes it’s in your face
And sometimes the wisdom’s within you
And it carries you to this place, and carries you to
this place
Bright lights from higher heights, the fire ignites
the dancer
Go slow, and feel the flow, you’ll find you know the
Sometimes the card’s in your favor
And sometimes you’re drawing sand
And sometimes it’s hard not to waver
When you’re holding it in your hand, you’re holding it
in your hand
And sometimes the wind’s moving with you
And sometimes it’s in your face
And sometimes the wisdom’s within you
And it carries you to this place, and carries you to
this place
Here is where you mean to be
Here is where you need to be
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Seed of a Thought
© 2005 Verlene
All Rights Reserved
There’s something just beneath
the surface, trying to break through
It’s some embryonic concept I’m trying to make true
A seed of a thought, a thing to be wrought, a need to
be brought to fruition
And it’s just beneath the surface, tryin’ to break
I have felt this way before and it’s always a good
But it’s only natural to fear the changes it could
A seed of a thought, a thing to be wrought, a need to
be brought to fruition
And I’ve felt this way before and it’s a good thing
Don’t push too hard, don’t be impatient, give it time
to incubate
It’s not so far to germination, all that’s left to do
is wait
I can feel it growing stronger, trying to break
I can see it taking form now, trying to break through
A seed of a thought, a thing to be wrought, a need to
be brought to fruition
A seed of a thought, a thing to be wrought, a need to
be brought to fruition
A seed of a thought, a thing to be wrought, a need to
be brought to fruition
And it’s just beneath the surface tryin’ to break
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© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
Still life water comin’ down like sheets
Over the sleeping San Francisco
Street life, your whole life and all you possess
Homestead the concrete slice of urban dwelling
Tuck yourself in tonight, sleep tight,
Under the Chronicle be still
Tuck yourself in tonight, sleep tight
It’s a still life, windshield framed
Painted all over in stoplight red
One eternal moment then green light
We move on but you are still still
A still life, but it is still life
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© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
Whirling, twirling, Coriolis Effect,
Twisting, spinning, round and around,
A spring, spiraling, round and around,
Lifting, rising, not a vicious circle...
The world spins round and round and round
And each round sees a new day
Winding through the universe
A corkscrew opening new space
A corkscrew opening new space
Haven’t we been here before,
I recognize this place...
You seem so familiar,
But I’ve never seen your face...
The world spins round and round and round
And each round sees a new day
Winding through the universe
A corkscrew opening new space
A corkscrew opening new space
Hasn’t this been said before
It feels like déjà vu
Sounding like the same old story
But the characters are new…
The world spins round and round and round
And each round sees a new day
Winding through the universe
A corkscrew opening new space
A corkscrew opening new space
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© 2005 Verlene
All Rights Reserved
Well, I wonder what my future
self would have to say
If she came knockin’ at my door today
Would she be laughing, scolding, making me feel bad
Or long for something she might have had
Well, I’d like to think that she would have it all
figured out
And that her life would be free from doubt
If she could give some wisdom to help me see the way
This is what I think she would say
Drop the baggage, travel lightly, start all over each
morning brightly
Admit you could be wrong when you think you might be
Don’t worry bout today, you’ll be fine tonight
So, if I already know this why am I hangin’ on
To the weight that I’ve been draggin’ along
She’d say it’s gonna take courage to let it all go
But this is what I want you to know:
Drop the baggage, travel
lightly, start all over each morning brightly
Admit you could be wrong when you think you might be
Don’t worry bout today, you’ll be fine tonight
Don’t worry, don’t hurry, travel light and you’ll be
So if I wonder what my future self would say to me
I can think of what I’d want her to be
She’d be laughing, teasing, and saying it’s okay
To cherish every step of the way
Drop the baggage, travel
lightly, start all over each morning brightly
Admit you could be wrong when you think you might be
Don’t worry bout today, you’ll be fine tonight
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Love You Whole
© 2005 Verlene Schermer/BMI
All Rights Reserved
I love your “in the moment”
style, inviting me to play
I love the mischief in your smile, enticing me to stay
I love the way you lose your balance, when you lean
into a kiss
But more than this:
I love your heart, I love your inner spark
I love your soul, I love you whole
I love your heart, I love your inner spark
I love your soul, I love you whole
I love your confidential sighs, meant only for my ears
I love the comfort in your eyes, when mine are full of
I love the way you reach your arms out to catch me if
I fall
But most of all:
I love your heart, I love your
inner spark
I love your soul, I love you whole
I love your heart, I love your inner spark
I love your soul, I love you whole
The whole is greater than the sum
And all I need is just this one
I know this and I’ve known it from the start
I love your heart, I love your
inner spark
I love your soul, I love you whole
I love your heart, I love your inner spark
I love your soul, I love you whole
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