Verlene Schermer
            Karmalu Productions

Life Stages

Life Stages

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This album of 20 songs includes many of Verlene's recent songs, but also several songs that were written years ago, but that didn't quite fit the themes of her five previous albums of original songs.

As she was compiling the songs for this album, she became aware of a theme that would tie them all together. Many of the recently written songs were about a new stage in her life, watching aging parents enter a new stage in their lives. Also included were songs written for significant occasions throughout life, such as turning 30, attending high school reunion, and concerns about the future. The title for the album, "Life Stages" encompasses all these topics and more.

Lyrics and stories from Life Stages

The songs on the album:
(Listen to excerpts using the audio players below song titles.)
  1. Life Stages
  2. Grownups 
  3. At the Heart of Me (The Reunion Song)
  4. When You Turn Thirty 
  5. Find Me Time  
  6. Definitions  
  7. Because You Choose To (The Care-giver Song)
  8. Mystery  

  9. The Tide  
  10. By '80  
  11. I Wanna Walk With You   

  12. Keep in Touch 
  13. A Jig in Your Pocket 

  14. Bleeding Heart 
  15. Solitaire

  16. As Much As Before 
  17. Apparent in Me 
    Picture of You 
  18. Flying

  19. New Year Wishes  
Use this button to order your copy of Life Stages:

Use this button to order the entire CD as MP3 downloads using this link ($10.00):