Verlene Schermer
            Karmalu Productions

Verlene's Cross-Strung Harp Book

Verlene's Cross-Strung Harp Book

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This book for cross-strung harp includes four harp solos, three for harp and vocal, and two for harp and flute or any other melody instrument. The vocal pieces can also be played with a melody instrument.  The styles range from Renaissance and Baroque, to modern jazzy original compositions. There are fingering suggestions, but they are purposefully sparse, so that you won't become bogged down by them. You can add fingerings using the suggested ones, and copying them to similar passages, or you can choose to put in alternate fingering of your own.  25 pages.  ($12.00)
Also available as a PDF book.

Table of Contents:

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Two of the songs in the book were recorded on Verlene's Rendezvous with the Moon CD. You can hear both on Spotify: Two-D Imagery
Watch Your Blues Fade Away
Four were recorded by her duo, Silverwood, on their Now & Then CD.